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Other Features

Anarestan is a Persian word that is reminiscent of the beautiful orchards and farmlands of the Evin Darakeh area.
Evin is a mountainous area that was most famous for its climate and fertile land in the old Tehran. A village that probably dates back to thousand years ago and the town itself is on a hilltop with open, green pastures to the north. Today of course it is still considered as one of the most enchanting areas in Shemiran.
The project is a 10 story building, seven of which are residential. The architects cleverly designed the units to be of medium size; 85 to 145 square meters, and blending it with local texture bring about excellent choices for the residents of that vicinity.
The architects designed the façade with a modern appearance while reflecting a traditional Iranian architectural look. The arrangement of rocks and bricks has distant this project from other ordinary buildings in the city by a good measure and, with a logical co-existence with its traditional surroundings, it has created an attractive sight.

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